MonkeyDWH™ for Fabric – DWH Automation (SQL)

What is it?


MonkeyDWH™ for Fabric is your go-to solution for an automated Data Warehouse (DWH) that gracefully handles schema modifications and maintains a detailed record of data changes within the Microsoft Fabric Warehouse using T-SQL.

You’ll find hands-on examples of queries for Facts & Dimensions in a Data Mart, supported by a comprehensive SQL Unit Testing Framework.

Experience it all seamlessly within your Microsoft Fabric Workspace, no vendor lock or code constraints.

How does it look?

MonkeyDWH for Fabric - A monkey-proof architecture

How does it work?

How does a DWH look like on Microsoft Fabric? – MonkeyDWH™ for Fabric (4K) on YouTube

Ready for a demo?

Interested in a live MonkeyDWH™ for Fabric demo? Please contact us at